Brown Bottle Traveler Beer Podcast

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wanna know Yo' Beer? Use our NEW app!

Have you ever wondered if the beer you are drinking is the best fit for you? You should try our brand new and FREE app! It's really easy to use and we need to say again that it's totally FREE for you to use because we love you and want you to know Yo' Beer.

First, you download the Yo' Beer app (in the App Store for iPhones and Google Play for Androids).
After the app downloads, you will open and connect it right to your Facebook (please tell us your location for the beer finder portion of this app...we won't stalk you, we promise). It will then ask you some off-the-wall, random, quirky questions about you. Then, poof, Yo' Beer style appears! You are can tap "Find Yo' Beers of this Style" This will pull up a menu of beers for you to choose from. Select a beer to get to the "Find Yo' Beer" page and a list of places that carry those particular beers will pop up. When you select a store, it will tell you how many miles from your location & what price those products are at that certain store.

How cool is that? Look for the Yo' Beer icon (below) in your app store!

Friday, April 10, 2015

We Probably Don't Say It Enough...But We Love You, Man

Have we every told you how much we love you, man? Well, we do. And, we want you to know it so we will show it. Sunday, April 19th at Noon sharp we are having the Sunday of all Fundays at Brown Bottle. First, we will start by serving you your daily servings of fruits and vegetables with a Bloody Mary. Then, buckets of Bud Light & Bud Light Ritas til 5PM. We will have darts, pool & other bar games to play in our new game room!

The best news about this whole thing is that we have arranged a sober bus to make sure you all get home safely. We like to party, but we like to be responsible in all that we do. Please sign up to be picked up by filling out the form on our website This way we can confidentially have your address, phone & sign a brief waiver for insurance purposes.

Thank you for drinking!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Friday, April 3, 2015

Take Out The Trash Bash

The great thing about having bottles and cans is that they can be recycled, reused and that will reduce the trash in landfills in America. We are a firm believer in taking care of our home, our country and our Earth.

In lieu of KAB and Earth Day, we are having a bottle & can drop-off at Brown Bottle to ensure that at least our local community is doing their part. There's a huge incentive to partake, better than money, better than sex even. It's called "Free Beer."

Yep, you read that right (unless you've been drinking, in which then you probably didn't) We are giving out free cases of beer and wine to anyone (21+ years old) that "takes out their trash" so to speak. This takes place on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22nd at 7PM.

Be there or be sober.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

You Give Us A Selfie, We Give You Free Tickets

What are you doing on Saturday, July 18th?

It could be going to see Jason Aldean (AND Kenny Chesney) at Target Field! We have 3 pairs of tickets in the Sandbar to get your country on! We will have displays at participating liquor stores and bars (see list below) When you find the display, take a selfie with the Jason Aldean cutout, find Brown Bottle Delivery Co. on Instagram, tag us and you are automatically entered to win.

The drawing will take place on Tuesday, March 31st 2015 at 11AM. Winners will be announced via our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and on our Vine.

Find a Jason Aldean cutout at these places:
ABC Liquor, Menomonie, WI
Drinks R Us, Hudson, WI
Git Some Beer Here, New Richmond, WI

See the picture for more details!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Discounted Beer? Ummm....Where do I sign up?

This happens every year. Our eyes get bigger than our stomach and we over-order from our suppliers! Which means great things for our end consumers and retailers because you can get beer dirt cheap. We're talking 50% off everything seasonal! We have pallets of good, delicious (NON-expired) beer that are going out of season. What you see in the pic is only a fraction of what we are sellin'.

You're thinking, "What's the catch?" Right? It's for ONE day only. We want it all gone! So, stop by our store at the warehouse and pick up some beer for your own store for increased profits (or fridge for increased drunkness). We accept cash, credit card or check. Must be 21+ (We will be carding)

Brown Bottle's Seasonal Sale
Saturday, March 28th from 8am-7pm
There may be some sampling going on too.
And, by may be, we mean yes.
Yes, there will be sampling.

Be there or be beer-less.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Beer Geeks Heaven

We found something totally awesome that will help us as a distributor, our brewery suppliers, our retailers AND our end consumers to guide them in learning about beer! How awesome is that? You create a profile and start checking into places. You tell people what you are drinking, where you are drinking and rate that beer. You can also follow people and like brewers. Warning: this is for mostly beer geeks.

Beer drinkers are finally united.

Untappd Social Site

Photo courtesty of

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Home Is Where The Wine Is

This area is a great place to live! This area is also a great place for up and coming wineries (many of whom we deliver for). We have decided to tour the greatest part of Wisconsin: the West Side. So, Brown Bottle Delivery Co. & Logan's Luxury Listings are going to these towns to sell their houses and drink their wine! Please come join us! We want to party with you. And, you might as well spend that $500,000 burning a hole in your pocket! Because home is where the wine is.

The stops on the tour are:

March 7th, 2015 - 5pm
N2144 Hickory Rd., Pepin, WI
Wine courtesy of Villa Bellezza, Pepin, WI

Photo Courtesy of

March 14th, 2015 - 5pm

N6889 579th St.MenomonieWI
Wine courtesy of Cottage Winery & Vineyard, Menomonie, WI

Photo Courtesy of

March 21st, 2015 - 5pm

233 Oak Hollow Dr., Chippewa Falls, WI
Wine courtesy of River Bend Vineyard & Winery, Chippewa Falls, WI

Photo Courtesy of

Thursday, February 12, 2015

All Mixxed Up

There's some pretty awesome news at Brown Bottle Delivery Co. When something new and innovative reaches our fingertips, we want to grab it and blow it up. Introducing, Bud Light Mixx Tails. Look at how sexy those bottles are! The smooth, beautiful liquid is not fizzy which means no heartburn or acid after-taste. This is HUGE for the flavored malt beverage industry. They taste best over ice. MMM MMMM MMMMMMM. Is it 5:00 yet?

There are three flavors.
1. Hurricane. This fruit punch is fruity, but yet not too sweet. You will not even know you are drinking alcohol.
2. Firewalker. Ahhh. The love between apple and cinnamon reunites again. The difference is that this actually has a GOOD balance between the two. Not too sweet, not too hot. Just right. We call this the Goldilocks.
3. Long Island. Have you ever had a pre-mixed Long Island & it tasted like garbage? Yeah, this is NOT one of those. You can actually taste all flavors of a traditional long island with a light hint of lemon. So smooth.

Pick this up at ANY local liquor store or grocer!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

We are Ballin', Boozin' & Beltin'

At Brown Bottle Delivery Co, we are ALL about a good time. We like to rock and roll all night and party everyday.

We also LOVE LOVE LOVE our community. Getting involved and being supportive can take full credit of our success. Well, that, and we ROCK our faces OFF!

That's why we have teamed up with Engstrand Baseball Camp and Be-Near Music Camp. We want to bring athletes and artists together in one place to play ball!

We are hosting a 1-day baseball tournament that these Engstrand athletes have been working hard for all winter long. Stick around after the sun goes down for some music and drinks! Music provided by the hard-working talent at Be-Near Music. Beers provided by us, of course!

Our Baseball Buddies at Engstrand
The Note-Knockin' Friends at Be-Near Music Camp

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Brown Bottle Opener!

Do you like beer? If you answered no, go home.
If you said yes, click the pic for deets.
And don't forget to.....
Follow Brown Bottle on Twitter!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Brown Bottle Delivery Co.

This is Brown Bottle Delivery Co. 

We've been delivering to you since before prohibition and we aren't afraid to admit it.

What we deliver to you are those little brown bottles that fit so snug in your hand and with every tasty sip, they make you the greatest dancer, best singer and smoothest talker. It is with our help that you are able to tell everyone how much you love them. 

It's called liquid courage AKA beer (mmmmmmmmmmmmm beer...)

And we are the reason for it.

Enjoy that brown bottle pressed to your lips.

Because without us, you would be alone. In a library. On a Saturday night. 

Party on Wayne.